
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MAY 12, 2011 (10:00AM)

Here is an update on my bicycle ticket. I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles and showed the ticket to the clerk. She said she couldn’t believe that the cop gave me this ticket. The amount of the ticket was for $40. She was familiar with the officer because she gets a lot of people who get tickets like this from him.  She told me to plead guilty and to go see the judge to get my ticket reduced. The judge saw me right and I showed him the receipt for the bell that I bought. He checked to see if I could get it dismissed but was unable to do it. He was able to reduce the ticket $5. The whole thing took me around 15 minutes to get resolved.

Recently, my portable Sirius radio started not to work well in my home docking station. I have a friend who bought one at the same time I did. A few years ago, he turned real religious so I knew that he wasn’t using it anymore. I asked him if I could have his. He said no because he doesn’t want me listening to the things that I shouldn’t be. Now, I have no problem with people turning religious. But when it gets to a situation like this is when I have a problem.

 The list of  shows that I am watching is shrinking. I know I said I was going to stop watching new shows but I did add one more. It is called The Killing on AMC. It is great.

The NY Daily News is getting smaller and smaller. They went form three pages of comics to just two. The paper itself is also getting smaller. It use to take me a lot longer to finish reading the whole paper.

The new game app that I am addicted to is Trees of Doom. My new high score is 4252. 

The goal right now is to get to 5000.
I can’t stop playing it.

Protecting your online reputation. After you read the article, go to this web site called Reppler