Grim numbers for newspapers, magazines
Due to lack of athlete participation, the Sephardic Center will not be going to Boston for the Maccabi Games. I think that since we were only going to take eight basketball players and no one from any other sport was going there was a lack of interest. Also, I think some players thought that $1300 was too much to pay for one week.
Another one of my letters got printed in the NY Daily News Voice of the People. (3rd letter down)
I get scared just from watching this.
Recently someone who I will call “Brutus” went to a family member of mine and asked him why do people hate me. Now I don’t know why Brutus is talking about me but that’s besidethe point. I never said people hate me. What I did mention is that people treat me differently then they do other people. I have rabbi’s who I know that walk by an ignore me. I have people who are talking to people that I know completely ignore me. The answer that Brutus gave to me was that I was not approachable. I don’t want to be approachable. I don’t like talking to strangers. It’s the people that I know who would give a stranger a phony hello ignore me. Another example is someone said that they don’t want to talk to me. I have no problem with that. But when that person invites me somewhere and I say that I am not going, I get accused of trying to be a martyr.
I know that I keep on plugging his blog but if you haven’t already, you must read theorignalboat. I hope someone from Hollywood like Chuck Lorre would start to read it and make it into a sitcom. It would be a top 20 show.
If you are going to stay by someone for the weekends in the summer, here are a few rules that I was taught:
1. You can’t go the first weekend that they moved in because they are settling in
2. You can’t go the last weekend because they are packing to move back.
3. You can’t go back-to-back weekends because then you become a bother.
4. You can’t get there to early on a Friday. You should arrive after 12:00.
5. You can’t go during the Nine days.
6. You can’t stay by one family more then another family member. Must be equal amount of time.
The only problem I had staying in Brooklyn for the summer was finding a place to pray on Saturdays. During the rest of the year, the place I pray starts at 9:30 and finish around 11:15. They finally started the same kind of minyan for the summer. I love walking to shul and not having that awkward hello when you see someone coming your way. I also got called up to the Torah, which I don’t like to do. My hands usually get sweaty and I feel bad for the people that shake my hand. Its not that I get nervous going up its just that I start to think about my hands being sweaty. By going up the first weekend, I could relax now that I got it out of the way.
The day that Anthony Weiner resigned, I didn’t realize that he was having his press conference a blockaway from where I get my lunch. I saw a bunch of police officers but had no idea what there were there for. If I knew about it, I would have been able to meet Benjy Bronk from the Howard Stern show. He wasthe one that heckled Weiner but not the one who yelled out that he was a pervert.You could watch it here.
When I bought my bike, the salesman sold me on these tires called Armadillo which cost $60 to put on. The way I heard it explain to me, he said these tires are the strongest out there and I should rarely get flats. This past week, I got a flat on my back tire two days in a row. The first flat tire must have been going on for a while because I felt like I wasn’t going as fast as I usually do. They were nice enough not to charge me the second day I went to have it fix which saved me $12.
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